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来源:上海艺术家 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-21



If ever my readers should decide to give up civilized life, cities, houses,and whatever moral or material enormities1enormity 滔天罪行(通常用复数)。, in addition to these, the perverted ingenuity of our race has contrived2contrive精巧地制造。,—let it be in the early ,Nature will love him better than at any other season, and will take him to her bosom with a more motherly could scarcely endure the roof of the old house above me, in those first autumnal days.How early in the summer, too, the prophecy of autumn comes! —earlier in some years than in others, —sometimes, even in the first weeks of is no other feeling like what is caused by this faint, doubtful, yet real perception, if it be not rather a foreboding3foreboding(对不祥或危险事情的)强烈预感。, of the year’s decay—so blessedly sweet and sad, in the same breath.


2 Did I say that there was no feeling like it? Ah, but there is a half-acknowledged melancholy4melancholy忧郁。, like to this, when we stand in the perfected vigor of our life, and feel that Time has now given us all his flowers, and that the next work of his never idle fingers must be—to steal them, one by one, away!

3 I have forgotten whether the song of the cricket be not as early a token of autumn’s approach, as any other; —that song, which may be called an audible stillness; for, though very loud and heard afar, yet the mind does not take note of it as a sound; so completely is its individual existence merged among the accompanying characteristics of the , for the pleasant summertime! In August, the grass is still verdant5verdant青翠的。on the hills and in the vallies; the foliage of the trees is as dense6dense茂密的。as ever,and as green; the flowers gleam forth in richer abundance along the margin of the river, and by the stone-walls, and deep among the woods; the days, too,are as fervid7fervid热的。now as they were a month ago;—and yet, in every breath of wind,and in every beam of sunshine, we hear the whispered farewell, and behold the parting smile, of a dear friend.

2 我是否说过这是种特别的感觉?啊,但是有一种似真非真的忧郁,就像这样,当我们处于盛年,感受着时间将所有的花朵赐予我们,而他的手指从不停歇,他的下一个工作必定是——一朵接一朵地把花偷走!

3 我已经忘了,蟋蟀的奏鸣曲是否如同其他鸣叫声一样,早早便预示秋天的来临;蟋蟀之歌可以被称作一种能听见的静谧;声音虽大,传至八方,却让人感觉不到这鸣叫声的特别存在;它早已与秋天的其他特色融为一体。唉,多么美好的夏天啊!八月,山上和山谷里的青草依然翠绿,树上的枝叶茂密、青翠一如往常,花儿在河畔、石墙边和丛林深处熠熠生辉,天儿还是和一个月前一样热——但是,在每一丝风的气息里,在每一缕阳光中,我们都听到一位亲爱的朋友的低声告别,也看到他临别时的微笑。

4 There is a coolness amid all the heat; a mildness in the blazing noon.Not a breeze can stir, but it thrills us with the breath of autumn.A pensive8pensive哀愁的。glory is seen in the far, golden gleams,among the shadows of the flowers—even the brightest of them,and they are the most gorgeous of the year—have this gentle sadness wedded to their pomp9pomp盛况。, and typify the character of the delicious time, each within brilliant cardinal-flower has never seemed gay to me.

5 Still later in the season, Nature’s tenderness waxes is impossible not to be fond of our Mother now;for she is so fond of us! At other periods, she does not make this impression on me, or only at rare intervals; but,in these genial days of autumn, when she has perfected her harvests, and accomplished every needful thing that was given her to do, then she over flows with a blessed super fluity10superfluity过量,过多。of love.She has leisure to caress her children now.It is good to be alive, at such heaven for breath!—yes, for mere breath!—when it is made up of a heavenly breeze like this! It comes with a real kiss upon our cheeks; it would linger fondly around us, if it might; but,since it must be gone, it embraces us with its whole kindly heart, and passes onward, to embrace likewise the next thing that it meets.

4 股股热浪中透出一丝凉爽;炎热的正午也不再灼热逼人。微风势力尚弱,但已经携着让我们为之欣喜的秋意了。远处的树荫间金光闪耀,灿烂中显现出一股哀愁。这些花——即使是最鲜艳的,一年中最绚丽的——都在开得正盛时满含这种淡淡的忧伤,每一朵都是这一宜人时节的代表。这朵红花半边莲开得那样灿烂耀眼,我却觉得它从来都不快乐。

5 秋意渐浓,大自然的温柔也与日俱增。大自然爱人类如子,我们也不可能不爱这位母亲!在其他的季节,她不会给我留下这样的印象,或者只是偶尔给我留下这样的印象;但是,在这和煦的秋日里,当她完成了丰收,做完每一件需要她做的事情时,她就将满溢祝福的爱倾注于人类。她现在有空爱抚她的孩子了。在这样的时刻,活着真好。感谢上天赐予气息!——是的,就因这气息而感谢!——如同这从天而降的微风,亲吻我们的脸颊;如果能够驻足停留,它会深情地萦绕在我们身旁;但是,它必须离开,它竭尽善意地拥抱了我们,然后继续前行,像这样去拥抱下一个遇到的东西。

6 A blessing is flung abroad, and scattered far and wide over the earth,to be gathered up by all who choose.I recline upon the still unwithered grass,and whisper to myself:—‘Oh, perfect day!—Oh, beautiful world!—Oh, bene ficent God!’ And it is the promise of a blissful Eternity; for our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be sunshine is the golden pledge beams through the gates of Paradise,and shows us glimpses far inward.

7 By-and-by—in a little time—the outward world puts on a drear11drear阴郁的。austerity12austerity艰苦。.On some October morning, there is a heavy hoar-frost on the grass, and along the tops of the fences; and, at sunrise, the leaves fall from the trees of our avenue without a breath of wind,quietly descending by their own summer long, they have murmured like the noise of waters; they have roared loudly, while the branches were wrestling with the thunder-gust; they have made music, both glad and solemn; they have attuned13attune使协调,适应。my thoughts by their quiet sound, as I paced to-andfro beneath the arch of , they can only rustle under my feet.

8 Henceforth, the gray parsonage15parsonage教区牧师的住所。begins to assume a larger importance, and draws to its fireside—for the abomination16abomination厌恶。of the air-tight stove is reserved till wintry weather—draws closer and closer to its fireside the vagrant17vagrant流浪的,漂泊的。impulses, that had gone wandering about,through the summer.■

6 秋风将祝福播撒于广阔的天地,任何人都可以将它的赏赐拾起。青草尚未干枯,我躺在草地上,自言自语道:“哦,完美的一天!——哦,美丽的世界!——哦,仁慈的上帝!”这是一个极乐的永恒的希望;除非我们注定是永生的,否则造物主永远不会创造出如此美好的日子,并使我们超乎一切思考,得以从内心深处享受它们。这金色的阳光便是它的誓言。它从天堂之门照射到人间,让我们得以瞥见天堂深处。

7 不久后,渐渐地,天地之间便呈现一片肃杀之气。在十月的某个早晨,草地上和篱笆顶上都结了厚厚的白霜;日出时,叶子从林荫道旁的树上纷纷落下,没有一丝风,它们只是因为自身的重量而飘落下来,悄无声息。回想起整个夏天,树叶像流水一样喃喃低语;当树枝与雷雨搏斗的时候,它们也发出咆哮之声;它们奏起音乐,时而欢快,时而庄重;地上的枝杈纵横交错,成了拱形,当我在这些枝杈下来回踱步时,树叶那轻轻的声音使我的思绪与它们和谐一致了。现在,它们只能在我的脚下沙沙作响了。

8 自此,那幢灰色的牧师住宅就显得更为重要,它将我一整个夏天四处游荡的心都收了回来,拉近火炉,越来越近——在冬天来临之前,那个可憎的密封炉都派不上用场。 □

bed and breakfast (B&B)


accommodation in the farm


vacation farm


homestay / hostel


文章来源:上海艺术家 网址: http://shysj.400nongye.com/lunwen/itemid-45009.shtml

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